We are providing urgent aid to Ukrainians on the Korczowa-Krakowiec border


On the 24th of February 2022, Russia launched a military offensive into Ukraine, causing civilian casualties and destroying the country’s infrastructure. More than a quarter of the population has been forced to flee their homes. In the first few weeks, more than 4.3 million refugees fled Ukraine, and a second as many were internally displaced. It is the fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II.

We cannot be indifferent to the suffering of our neighbours – we immediately set out to help!

We provided humanitarian assistance for


Ukrainians who stayed in the country


Thank you very much for being here with us. After a few hours of sleep we are heading back to the border for another night. We will continue providing urgent aid. The bus is packed full of thermoses with hot tea, blankets and dry provisions. It is warmth that is most needed now as people on the Ukrainian side of the border have been waiting to cross for hours on end.

Tonight the queue to the Medyka border crossing reached up to 65 km. We spent the whole night at yet another crossing, Karczowa-Krakowiec. Every half hour the border guards would bring us further groups of a dozen or so women with children. They had priority in crossing the border. We witnessed heartrending goodbyes between men and their families. We gave shelter in our minibus to Teresa from Tarnopol for almost the whole night. She is 9 months pregnant. In three weeks’ time she will give birth. When she fled her home, she only packed a layette for the baby, in case the birth should take her by surprise on the way.

We provide basic aid, because this is essential at the very beginning of a crisis. This is step one. However, every hour brings new needs. At the moment, we are preparing to deliver aid in the form of medicines to the Ukrainian side and we are devising a plan to evacuate 200 children from an orphanage in Lviv.

Visit our page regularly. We will keep you posted about further actions.

Help us publicize our “Help Ukraine!” fundraiser, which is up on our website. This is what makes it possible for us to be here and to immediately respond to the needs of war victims.

Urgent Help Needed

Save the Pharmacy for the Poorest in Togo

This amount will allow for equipping pharmacy shelves for the first half of the year. Ania and Mateusz will take care of this, and they will fly to Togo in February and fill the shelves with the most essential antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and pain relievers. The Saoudé Pharmacy has people to save. It cannot succeed without your support.

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We already have :
3,423 EUR
We need:
6,667 EUR