
Meet the people
whose lives we’ve been changing


Thanks to your continued support we have been able to open new branches of the Good Factory and produce good in places where we can help save someone’s health or life. Read about the results of our activities below!

We share the stories of our patients, news from regions in which we provide help, and important information about the foundation’s activities. Use the filters to easily find information about specific projects or the main pillars of our activity.


Dawid’s Last Farewell

When I was leaving for tests with other patients, I asked the physiotherapist to bring Dawid some juice – maybe he will wake up from this coma, maybe he will be thirsty? The news of Dawid’s passing reached Sister Agnieszka the same day. She had fought for him for many months, providing him with treatment […]

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Thanks to You, Dawid and Elias Are Not Alone in This Fight

Dawid‘s head is swelling from the tumor, and he doesn’t understand what’s happening. Thankfully, his dad is always by his side, explaining everything to him. We wish we could write a story like Dawid’s battle against Goliath, but life is also a story about loss. Sometimes heroism is about standing by those whom we are […]

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We Change Lives of Those Who Have Lost Everything.

A refugee I am Forced to flee, I become someone I am not These few lines from a Lao Che song have been on my mind all morning. The World Refugee Day, which we celebrate today, could easily be called World Day of Helplessness, Lack of Solidarity, Fences, Barriers, and Lack of Hospitality. “In Nigeria, […]

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Dawd Is Fighting, and We Are Fighting Together with Him

“It’s difficult. I think Dawid is losing the strength to fight the disease. This will probably be a sad post. I want to show people that not only miracles happen here, that there are also difficult times of standing by a child we fought for and we’re beginning to lose,” says Sister Agnieszka from the […]

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We Restore Dignity and Bring Relief From Suffering in Kabuga, Rwanda…

Before coming to Kabuga, she went through a lot. She didn’t have the conditions to be sick, but the illness didn’t take that into account. Abandoned, lonely, and neglected, she experienced the cruelty of poverty and lack of independence. When she arrived in Kabuga, it was as if her life began again. The patients come […]

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We Fulfill Last Wishes…

Some diseases are beyond our control, and although the loss of a child always hurts, we do everything we can to make sure every day is lived to the fullest. Sometimes that means higher doses of pain medication, sometimes palliative chemotherapy, and sometimes just a portion of their favorite fries, which in a hospital located […]

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We Were with Nema Until the Very End…

Not every story about our patients has a happy ending. Life can be brutal. Sometimes it knocks you down for a moment. Around us, a war is raging, while we fight daily battles to save the lives of patients in our hospital. The staff did everything they could for Nema. Be with them in your […]

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Urgent Help Needed

Save the Pharmacy for the Poorest in Togo

This amount will allow for equipping pharmacy shelves for the first half of the year. Ania and Mateusz will take care of this, and they will fly to Togo in February and fill the shelves with the most essential antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and pain relievers. The Saoudé Pharmacy has people to save. It cannot succeed without your support.

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We already have :
3,423 EUR
We need:
6,667 EUR