So little is needed to help Marcel manage his anaemia


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The country is very underdeveloped economically. The basis of its economy is agriculture, generating around 40% of the GDP and employing around 60% of the working population. Togo is among the countries with the lowest level of social development.

  • poverty is everywhere, especially in the rural areas, where around 69% households live below the threshold of poverty
  • the basic factors that lead to poverty are: lack of food security, insufficient access to health care, unemployment and insufficient number of jobs, especially among the younger generation
Every year, the pharmacy helps around




The Good Factory is not about philanthropic projects, but about the faces and fates of individual people. We are not helping Togo, Congo or, for example, Bangladesh. We want a few, several dozen or several hundred people from these countries, whom we know by name, to stand on their own two feet firmly enough to be able to venture out into the world.

Marcel, now a final year high school student, has been coming for many years to the St. Fridolin pharmacy in the village of Saoudé in northern Togo. The pharmacy only exists thanks to you. Tackling the mountains, harsh climate, extreme poverty, people here cannot afford any medicine so they come to us with their prescriptions and get everything they need. The standard payment is… a bowl of maize, sorghum or other grain. This food is stocked up and distributed to those who have nothing to eat during the dry season. Marcel knows that he can always count on support and help here.

The boy and his siblings were raised by their mother. The father died when the children were still small. The woman did the best she could, but often could not make ends meet. Marcel has always suffered from “something” that was not fully diagnosed. Visits to rural clinics, where the only “doctors” were feldshers or nurses, did not result in any diagnosis. After many years, it was determined that the boy suffered from sickle cell anaemia (a very serious disease in which blood cells become deformed, clogging blood vessels and causing inflammation, paresis and even a stroke). Unfortunately, due to a lack of funds, the boy has never taken any medication and any check-ups or medical appointments were out of the question.

Last year, Marcel was thoroughly examined by a well-known specialist in Lome and referred for further tests. As it turned out, his body produces such blood that its quality must be systematically checked every few months. And this is where we are now. Marcel comes to the capital every three months to have his health checked by Dr. Kpelevi. Of course, all this was made possible and is happening only thanks to YOU.

You have given Marcel a completely new quality of life. Today he no longer suffers from severe headaches that came out of the blue. Today he knows their source and what to do to relieve them. Today, in the rainy season and when the harmattan blows from the Sahara, he no longer suffers from partial paralysis. He knows what medicine to take to make it go away. He no longer misses classes and is no longer afraid of having an attack in front of his classmates, because he always has his pills with him. Today Marcel is much calmer, happier and eager to go to school.

Marcel is about to graduate from high school. He dreams about university. We want him to be able to focus on his studies at this crucial time, so that his health does not interfere with his plans. At the moment, the only need that poverty will not let him fulfill is a proper diet, which people with sickle cell anaemia should follow. Red meat, liver, green vegetables, eggs and fruit are completely unaffordable for Marcel, who lives alone.

Together with Gosia Tomaszewska, who takes care of our patients in Togo, we decided to extend our support to Marcel. Florence, who works in our pharmacy, will be helping Marcel to receive the right food products. And today we are looking for people who will visit our online charity shop every month to help Marcel. All you need is 10 PLN. We know that with you we can make it happen!

We need to dry out the buildings as quickly as possible

Urgent help for flood victims

The most vulnerable are the elderly and disabled, living in remote rural areas and small towns, where reaching them is difficult. You’ll be informed about every penny spent to help them. 100% of the funds raised will go directly towards targeted, precise aid tailored to the needs of those affected.

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We already have :
148,295 EUR
We need:
111,111 EUR