Vegetable garden in Burkina Faso

We want to expand the garden for the families of Gourcy, thanks to which about a dozen people unable now to earn a living will be able to start working, take care of themselves and supply the local market with basic products, which are so scarce there.
8 PLN is the price that must be paid for 5 m2 of land.
Our project in Burkina Faso was developed from the very beginning to launch a certain pool of good that would stimulate the small local community of this forgotten part of Africa to act and to multiply this good. We provided the families with grain and breeding animals, we have built a mill and we are planning to add a bakery. We want hope to return to the northern village of Gourcy, inhabited by extremely poor people. We want to teach them entrepreneurship and provide them with an appropriate start-up package so that they can make their dreams of work and dignified life come true.