300 Bouquets of Good for International Women’s Day

We already have
1,049 EUR
We need
1,667 EUR
The action has been supported by: 79 people
We feed
We provide jobs
We teach
We treat

We, the girls and women under the care of Dobra Fabryka, were born and live in different parts of the world but our dreams are similar to yours. We all dream of a good job, good health, or a kitchen to feed our family and friends. 

  • 57 students of the Vocational School in Senegal
  • 37 wives and mothers from families we support in Burkina Faso
  • 66 new moms from the maternity ward in Congo
  • 50 girls to whom we provide meal every day
  • 12 hospice patients from Rwanda
  • 48 girls learning how to sew and 30 enrolled in English and computer skills classes from the refugee camp in Bangladesh 

equals a total of 300 women, all of whom have their own stories, goals and dreams of a better, dignified and respectable life. Unfortunately, in most cases, these women live in difficult conditions. Some of them have virtually no rights. They rarely receive the chance to fulfill their dreams. 

Each one of them deserves a huge bouquet – a bouquet of good. We won’t send actual flowers on this special day – instead, we want to gift a bouquet that will never wilt. A bouquet from the heart, full of love and care, that will allow them to fulfill their needs and achieve their goals. 
Purchase a Bouquet of Good today to gift to one of our proteges!
Urgent Help Needed

Save the Pharmacy for the Poorest in Togo

This amount will allow for equipping pharmacy shelves for the first half of the year. Ania and Mateusz will take care of this, and they will fly to Togo in February and fill the shelves with the most essential antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and pain relievers. The Saoudé Pharmacy has people to save. It cannot succeed without your support.

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We already have :
3,423 EUR
We need:
6,667 EUR