
The winners of the 2nd edition of “High Five Us on Friday” are back from Africa!


The project “High Five us” is the simplest tool to change the world!!! Thanks to the fives that you pay on a regular basis, we change lives of people in Rwanda, we save kids in Congo (DRC), we provide development opportunities for farms in Burkina Faso, we make dreams of girls in a school in Senegal and in many other places around the world come true. It is a project, which is not a great burden for the budgets of those involved, as we are talking about PLN 5 once a week – it is based mainly on its regularity, letting ALL OF US INFLUENCE the growth of good everywhere in this world every day, and much more than you think!!!!

Dear High Fivers! You have become a part of something really BIG!!!

In this edition of our contest, the trip to Africa was offered to Agnieszka Zawiejska and Dawid Rolla. Thanks to their fives, given regularly, and to support provided for yet another of our projects, they were able to visit the Kasisi Home in Zambia and the hospice in Rwanda. Ten days full of emotions, plenty of meetings and adventures. In the film they will tell you all about it themselves. Our great thanks go to Lagardère Travel Retail company which paid for the tickets. Thank you!!!!

To get to Zambia, spend some time with the kids in Kasisi, meet with the sisters and doctor John in Rwanda, see how it all works and how much good we are able to do TOGETHER, it’s enough to regularly… give us a five and support one more of our projects!

See for yourselves!!! And if you are still in doubt, let us convince you TODAY and we will prove to you that it’s worth it!!!

We need to dry out the buildings as quickly as possible

Urgent help for flood victims

The most vulnerable are the elderly and disabled, living in remote rural areas and small towns, where reaching them is difficult. You’ll be informed about every penny spent to help them. 100% of the funds raised will go directly towards targeted, precise aid tailored to the needs of those affected.

read more

We already have :
148,304 EUR
We need:
111,111 EUR