Road to Saoudé: Helping Those in Need in Northern Togo


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The country is very underdeveloped economically. The basis of its economy is agriculture, generating around 40% of the GDP and employing around 60% of the working population. Togo is among the countries with the lowest level of social development.

  • poverty is everywhere, especially in the rural areas, where around 69% households live below the threshold of poverty
  • the basic factors that lead to poverty are: lack of food security, insufficient access to health care, unemployment and insufficient number of jobs, especially among the younger generation
Every year, the pharmacy helps around




 We traveled 500 km on a roller coaster. Everything around is still spinning. Lying down in bed, we still feel the urge to fasten our seat belts. Traffic rules in Togo are simplified to just a car and asphalt. You know where to go – and that’s it. The end justifies the means. Speed and traffic rules… that just depends on the driver’s imagination and sensitivity.

Togo is one of the smallest African countries. It’s home to over 6.5 million people, over 80% of whom struggle to survive on less than two dollars a day.

Saoudé, in the north of the country, is where the poorest live. We arrived late at night. We had a welcome with flashlights in hand, a lavish dinner: rice cooked under the open sky on three stones, traditional yassa sauce, and grilled fish. We wouldn’t trade places with anyone.

See our Stories to see what it looked like and let’s make sure we wrap up the fundraiser for pharmacy meds, currently running on our homepage, before we depart. We want to leave this place with fully stocked shelves. Every year, almost 4000 patients come to us seeking antibiotics, cold medication, or vitamins, and we have to make sure none of them leaves empty-handed. These people really need you.

Kola is 29 years old. As a child, she used to come to the pharmacy with her mother, and now she seeks our help for her daughter Jeanne. For Kola, the pharmacy is more than just a place with meds; it’s a safety net, the only one she has, to save her daughter from frequent and complicated illnesses. Like everyone, she receives her meds in exchange for a symbolic bowl of corn. Nothing more. The grain collected this way is distributed at the end of the dry season to those who face hunger.

You can save the pharmacy in Saoudé with us. In the coming days, you’ll learn who it helps and how much you are needed here. Keep an eye on the Stories and join our newsletter to not miss anything.

Urgent Help Needed

Save the Pharmacy for the Poorest in Togo

This amount will allow for equipping pharmacy shelves for the first half of the year. Ania and Mateusz will take care of this, and they will fly to Togo in February and fill the shelves with the most essential antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and pain relievers. The Saoudé Pharmacy has people to save. It cannot succeed without your support.

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We already have :
3,423 EUR
We need:
6,667 EUR